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Banana PI BPI-M3 is the open source hardware platform,Banana PI BPI-M3 is an octa core version of Banana Pi ,Banana PI M3 is the octa core more better than the Banana Pi M2,it support WIFI onboard. support SATA port. Banana Pi BPI-M3 series run Andro...
The BPI- R1 is a 300Mbps Wireless N Router with both wired and wireless network connections designed specifically for smart home networking use. With 2T2R MIMO Technology and two detachable antennas, the R1 is the dual core Android 4.2 product which ...
Banana PI is an Open Source hardware platform which was produced to run the open source OS among others. Banana PI a dual core, Android 4.2 product which is much better than the Raspberry Pi. The Banana Pi hardware runs Android, De...
BPI-M2 Acrilyc case, BPI-M2 CASE ...