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LattePanda Delta is a high performance, palm-sized SBC (single board computer) with low power consumption that runs full Windows 10 or Linux operation system. It is widely used in edge computing, vending, advertising machine, industrial automation, etc. Whether you're a DIY maker, IoT (Internet of Things) developer, system integrator, or solution provider, LattePanda is your powerful development board that can empower creation and accelerate your productivity.
Key Feature
The LattePanda Delta, based on Intel Celeron N4100, is a Quad-Core 1.1GHz CPU that bursts up to 2.4GHz, Intel® UHD Graphics 600 integrated into the processor deliver enhanced media conversion, fast frame rates, and 4K Ultra HD (UHD) video. All of this computing power dissipates only 6W power, which is the perfect choice in terms of features and price as the main robotics controller, interactive project core, IoT edge device or AI brain.
The LattePanda is perfect for makers alike who need a small, portable, and light SBC for their ultimate project! DIY project running the Windows or Linux, LattePanda SBC has been a popular hit and choice for many people who wish to enjoy playing all of their old and new favorites from one small, powerful system. Given its incredibly small size, it can be easily hidden, functioning as the secretly powerful brains behind your coolest project ever.