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2.4" TFT Display, 240x320 pixel Resolution, 4 Wire Resistive Touch Screen, Powered directly off the Raspberry Pi Compatible with Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, Raspberry Pi Model B+ / A+ PI-HAT Display Module Links: Product page &nb...
The 4D 7.0” LCD CAPE which features a 7.0” TFT LCD 800x480 resolution display,is a cape specifically designed for the Beagle Bone Black (BBB). It provides a 7.0” primary display for the BBB for direct user interaction and informatio...
Manufacturer: 4D Systems Product: TFT-LCD Displays Type: Resistive Viewing Area: 4.3 in Interface Type:Serial Operating Supply Voltage: 4.5 V to 5.5 V Maximum Operating Temperature: + 70 C Minimum Operating Temperature: - 10 C 4D Systems OLED ...