Artikla trenutačno nema. Dole se možete prijaviti i poslat ćemo vam obaveštenje kad artikal bude opet dostupan. Bićete obavešteni samo za taj artikal.
Za željeni artikal pošaljite poruku/potražnju i kontaktiraćemo vas.
Za željeni artikal pošaljite poruku/potražnju i kontaktiraćemo vas.
Are you looking for something our suppliers are offering and we currently are not?
Now you can simply order all their items at the Galago market.
We provide:
- Competitive prices.
- Help with your product selection.
- No additional costs of import postal charges for bulk orders.
To place the order, we need the order or the manufacturer's item numbers or the items' descriptions.
For inquiries and orders, send us an e-mail at, or call us at 00386 (0)8 205 08 77, 00386 (0)40 559 432.
We offer additional discounts for wholesale and large orders.
Send your bills of material and we will prepare a non-binding offer for you.